Javascript Web Testor Mechine


__ ^_^:Updatcd___2/6/25 10:43pm..
Trying to highlight a company startup, looking for other people who want to hobby in game design and potentially generate income. Hey, some of these images are taken from the web long ago. If your animated gif is here let me know. I'll thank you, or take it down.
Updated meetup link to facebook. Trying to stay away from how background fb is. Rather use meetup, but not having much time for anything. Wondering about the 80s, long long ago, some of this in the past, and futurama, deep maybe.
__ Random
Current enough photos. Ocean is blue, and the earth is red. The night is green.
...santacruz library:3/5/25, 3:20pm:
Distracted from a Director project and laptop is getting old. Here's what I have so far, a tile engine to include as a game maker for Director MX, free license with tools for everything that show off the capabilities, as well as benefits of the straight forward environment. Adding or removing code and working with your own assets, this is a platform to create homebrew retro games or multimedia. I'll try to finish it up for editing images and having sound, otherwise you could use this as is. Started another video project and should be able to have it done soon.

_(ongoing applications)_ _
___hippoglyph_ _ video.mp4
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: : : : Text-based game environment thing for single or peer to peer player exploration of chapter-like user created content. Play through user created content with the same character, or write your own arena of mythology and adventure.

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: : : : Prototype for a semi-2.5D first person universe, with a variety of rogue-like and user created landscapes. Tower defence mechanics combine with world exploration in the vain of Appleseed and Marathon. Canadates of Delta Corp pilot the spaceship Earthbound through the sagas of Muddy Apple and Metal Storm. Eventually.

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: : : : Not at all Stun Hunter, the demo file here is persuing the same Shadowgate element that will conspire into an RPG racing game in the vain of Stun Runner and Star Control. The demo is for an action rpg beat-em-up thing. Not entirely sure.

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: : : : Testing out refresh sync for 2D graphics, as well as an audio element borrowing music from Dark Orbit. The last save was lost, including the player character being able to grow gigantic, an underground area continuing from the surface, and I'm sad to think of what else, the into monitor flickered and dialogue function was finished. Uurrgh. Onward I hope.

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: : : : Figuring out a place to have a collection of photos taken from coast to coast over the years. Some fantastic graffiti, architecture and landscapes.

Sorted photography zip_folder.